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2021 Horoscopes Prediction by Astrologer Ankit Sharma Ji - Accurate Yearly Forecast

The year 2020 was a rough year and the new year 2021 holds many expectations for being a smooth and productive year for all. The planetary movement in the zodiacs in the beginning of the year has a lot of say in the working of entire year for a zodiac. Although the positions of planets keep changing throughout the year, but the yearly horoscope prediction for all sun-signs helps the people to take an outlook on the whole year. The horoscope prediction for the year 2021 by best astrologer Ankit Sharma Ji is available for you on the basis of yearly movement of the planets in 2021.

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As per astrology, the planet venus will be in the scorpio zodiac sign in the beginning of the year and mercury will be in Sagittarius. The Shani will be in Capricorn throughout the year. The zodiac-wise 2021 horoscopes related to health, career, relationship and finance are given by the famous astrologer in india Pandit Ankit Sharma Ji every year and for the year 2020 which has people's high hopes of good changes, the accurate yearly forecast for all zodiacs, by astrologer Pandit Ankit Sharma Ji is provided below in detail.

Aries Horoscope Prediction 2021

For the people who have Aries as their sun-sign, the year is going to be the best. All the stalled work will by completed and the financial state will be better than expected. However, you may suffer some physical problems. Career-wise the year is good and you will succeed in your job and grow in business. There are good chances of marriage in 2021.

Lucky Colour: Red, White and Yellow
Lucky Number: 9, 6, 24, 33, 36
Lucky Month: February, April, July and October

Taurus Horoscope Prediction 2021

For the people of Taurus zodiac, all the barriers will be removed automatically this year. The morale will remain high. The early months are indicators of unpredictability, there maybe some problems in the beginning of the year but situations will change after May and get much better. Many opportunities are waiting for the people in the sector of job and service sector. Be patient and wait for the right opportunities.

Lucky Colour: Pink, White and Green
Lucky Number: 5, 6, 32, 33, 41
Lucky Month: January, March, May and September

Gemini Horoscope Prediction 2021

The first quarter for the Geminis is an indicative of average results. Some of your work may be hindered. The success percentage is moderate. Avoid the initiative in love matters this year. The year will be influential in the field of education. Work hard with honesty and avoid using anything new this year.

Lucky Colour: Green and Yellow
Lucky Number: 5 and 6
Lucky Month: February, April and June

Cancer Horoscope Prediction 2021

This year indicates major changes in the life people who have cancer zodiac sign. You will get lucky this year. Health may deteriorate in the initial years but after April, you will be in good health. The private life will be in comfort and property matters will take place. Credibility and respect will increase. Relationships will improve. Avoid new experiments.

Lucky Colour: White and yellow, Cream, Red
Lucky Number: 2, 9
Lucky Month: March, June, July and November

Leo Horoscope Predictions 2021

The year will bring a lot of success for all the Leos. The year will be extremely auspicious in terms of job and business. This is the year to give impetus to long term plans. This year is going to give strength to love and the love relationships may get better. Avoid important confrontation to officer class.

Lucky Colour: Red, Orange
Lucky Number: 1, 5, 9, 10, 32
Lucky Month: February, April, August and December

Virgo Horoscope Predictions 2021

For the Virgos, the year will bring many auspicious opportunities, achievements and development throughout the year. You will be focussed toward your goals and maintain full activeness. The early months are going to be very good for you. The fortune will help to make remarkable achievements this year. Relationships will improve. Year is beneficial for the students as well.

Lucky Colour: Blue, Green, White, Light Yellow
Lucky Number: 5 and 6
Lucky Month: February, May, August and December

Libra Horoscope Predictions 2021

The year 2021 for Libras is a year to move forward with a balance of understanding and vigilance. You will need to be patient in the first month of the year. Things will get much better after middle of June. Financial matters will be better in 2021. The field of education also shows good signs in 2021. Avoid getting attracted and tempted.

Lucky Colour: Orange, White, Blue
Lucky Number: 5, 6, 9
Lucky Month: February, April, June and November

Scorpio Horoscope Predictions 2021

The year will bring a lot of confidence in you and you will be influenced in many ways. Try to complete the important work in the initial months. This year, you will be able to save your money. The year can be tough for education, so extra attention towards studying and learning is required.

Lucky Colour: White, Red, Orange
Lucky Number: 1, 4, 2, 7, 22
Lucky Month: March, May, July and November

Sagittarius Horoscope Predictions 2021

This year signifies changes in the career for Sagittarius. Year is good for money and business. The financial conditions will be strong. Honour and respect will increase. There will be innovations in love affairs. The year will bring high profit. Field of education is also good this year.

Lucky Colour: Yellow, Orange, Green
Lucky Number: 5, 3, 8, 6, 12, 33
Lucky Month: February, April, July and October

Capricorn Horoscope Predictions 2021

The year will be benefitting throughout. Capricorns should proceed with courage and understanding. Respect will increase. After April, your efforts will gain momentum. Major changes can take place in the love life. The employed people can experience rank-reputation. Additional hard-work id required in the education sector.

Lucky Colour: Black, Purple and Brown
Lucky Number: 6, 5, 8, 23, 25
Lucky Month: January, May, August and December

Aquarius Horoscope Predictions 2021

For Aquarius, this year will be auspicious and fulfilling. Many foundations for future plans may be laid. The time after April will be more positive. Efforts will gain momentum. Times are positive for education as well. Do not rush through decisions.

Lucky Colour: Blue, Purple
Lucky Number: 3, 9, 7, 12, 16, 18
Lucky Month: February, April, June and October

Pisces Horoscope Predictions 2021

For the Pisces, all the stalled work will be completed this year. You are going to be very strong financially and will get full support of luck. Career will be better and you will succeed in business. Relationships are going to be improved and investments will be strengthened.

Lucky Colour: Orange, Yellow
Lucky Number: 3, 7, 12, 34
Lucky Month: March, May, July and November

For Astrology and Healing Services Contact Best Astrologer of India Pandit Ankit Sharma Ji . Just Call or WhatsApp at +91-95017-04528 and get love, marriage, family, relationship, business, career, and health astrology forecast report and astrological problem solution.