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Manglik Dosh

In Hindu or Vedic Astrology, Mangal Dosh or Manglik Dosh is regarded as being one of the very serious and malevolent doshas, inevitably analyzed at the time of horoscope matching for marriage. This manglik dosha not only affects adversely the marriage (delay in marriage) and marital relationship and life, but also causes problems in many other spheres of life, such as occupation and finance. Any permanent incapability or affliction or even death of the non-manglik spouse may also occur by the bad influence of this mangal dosha. However, the degree of severity of this manglik dosh varies depending on many astrological factors. As our veteran and grand pandit ji cherishes to cover problems in every significant sphere of life through his globally admired astrology solutions, the manglik dosha remedies by astrology, are inseparably included in this truly opulent range of astrology services.

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Also sometimes termed as the Kuja Dosha, or Bhom Dosha, this mangal dosha occurs in the birth chart or horoscope of a person, when planet Mars is located in any of the following houses of the birth chart or natal chart --- first house, second house, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house, or the twelfth house. It is generally accepted that location of Mars in the seventh house of the birth chart results in the severest (mangal) dosha. Again, the most common and remarkable characteristics of the manglik persons (having mangal dosha) are excess aggressiveness, hot temperament, intolerance, and affinity to dominance. Lastly, it is the most common conception that the susceptibility to this mangal dosha is caused because of prolonged bad behavior with one's spouse in previous lives.

Mangal Dosha Remedies (Nivaran) by Astrology

Our Pandit Ji of global approbation and popularity has been advising people regarding how to get rid of manglik dosha, for over one decade, in cities all across India, and in countries all around the whole world. So far, numerous manglik persons of the world over have availed the great benefits of his services related with mangal dosha. The most common and effective measures suggested by him for alleviating or eliminating the bad and ruinous influences of mangal dosha, are the following:

Manglik persons located in any part of India or the whole world, may contact our pandit ji at: +91-95017-04528; or mail their queries to:; to get the best possible and safest solutions to mangal doshas of varying severity, before or even after their marriage.